Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hogan's son was seen racing

Photo by Jim Damaske St. Peterburg Times
How anyone survived this accident is anyones guest, this is another case of illegal street racing by young drivers that watch too many movies glorifying street races. The movies usually show the drivers in accidents limping away, but this is generally not the case.

Click on the title for the complete story.

Hat Tip Joz Joz Joz

1 comment:

  1. Horrible.
    I have to say, I'm glad Bryan didn't have anyone else in the car with him.

    We've seen Ed make a concerted effort to educate people about the dangers and really examine his own life.

    The weird thing is that when you wrote "Hogan" I had NO idea who you meant!

    But let's hope Terry Bollea sets the example has done.


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