Wednesday, August 15, 2007

One Door Closes, and Another Door Opens

As a child I grew up with my father’s parents in Alhambra, CA., and had no contact with my mother, Amalia Rodriguez, or her family. I have many uncles and aunts that I would not know if I met face to face, and I’m certain I have crossed paths with many of my relatives in my travels through East Los Angeles but was unaware of their presence.

Before leaving for my son Bryan’s viewing on Monday I took a phone call from a colleague, asking many questions? He started by asking if my mother’s name was Molly, was my brother Julio Barajas, and was I called Sluggo as child, all with an answer of YES from me.

For a moment I was puzzled and wondered how he knew so many personal facts I have never aired online, then he told me we are cousins. I was floored and laughing out loud with my tears flowing down my cheeks at the same time, could this be true I asked myself?

My cousin and I have been at odds with one another over union organizing at the Los Angeles Times, but have always retained respect for one another even with our differences. We have spoke on the phone for hours on end before this tragedy, and embraced one another yesterday at Bryan’s funeral.

Los Angeles Times Pressmen, meet my cousin, Ronnie Pineda from Save Our Trade Blog. I have heard for years things like this happen for a reason, I’m sure the reason will be revealed to us.

My cousin Ronnie with Pete and Bill


  1. Congratulations on your new family member! The Lord has brought you together for a reason.

    God bless both of you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I GOT YOUR BACK CUZ! Alway's have, alway's will!

  4. Ed, Thank's for deleting comment two. I'm assuming you realized that the individual was only following instructions and it was not in her authority to honor your request, even as serious as the situation was.

    You know that there are those that have to approve and sanction everything or they don't feel that they're in control.
    (Can you say "micro-management")

    Hold no grudge, and direct your frustration where it rightfully belongs, or just let it go because it most likely will result in more unnecessary frustration.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.