Monday, August 13, 2007

Our Interview with Linda Alvarez

Bryan’s mother (Susan) and I just completed an interview with Linda Alvarez regarding street racing, and the pain that results when there are tragic accidents, such as with my son Bryan a few days ago in Azusa.

The story will air at 3:00 pm on channel 9 and 5:00 pm on channel 2 today, in hopes of preventing another accident from street racing.

It was not easy as our tears flow rather easily, but I hope we can make a difference for other families, and my son’s death was not in vain.


  1. You are both so brave to speak about this so soon after the tragedy.

  2. You and Susan are very brave indeed to come forward and enlighten others on the tragic effects of street racing.

    I pray that parents and young drivers alike will take heed to your warnings and do the best within their power to prevent another tragic accident such as Bryan's.

    To you, Edward, Susan and the entire Padgett family, may you all be embraced in God's loving care now and always.


  3. Ed,

    I agree wholeheartedly with Joz.

    Thanks for having the courage to help others. You may never be able to 'quantify' the lives you have saved, but you can certainly *qualify* the message and its importance.

    I sadly have another funeral to attend tomorrow at a distance. I will however take time while traveling (at the time of Bryan's service) to pause, reflect and remember you in my prayers.


    Brian Humphrey
    Public Service Officer
    Los Angeles Fire Department

  4. You and Susan are perhaps the bravest, most unselfish people I know. To put aside your grief to try and prevent another family from experiencing the grief you share is nothing short of heroic. I had my 15-year-old son watch your interview and it had a huge impact on him, probably because he knows you, Ed.

    God bless you, and thank you! I'll see you soon.

    Love to the entire Padgett family,


  5. I just saw your interview on CBS and I wanted to offer you my deepest sympathy and sincere condolance at the loss of your precious son. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers..
    I do hope that between your blog and what you had to say during the interview, will make other young people who even begin to think of streetracing, will give it a second thought and remember your Bryan.
    God Bless

  6. Ed,

    I just saw the interview. My heart aches for you and your family. Take care and I'll talk to you soon.


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