Friday, August 03, 2007

Thank You Mike LaPerruque

Occasionally my personal life interferes with my hobby of blogging, which is the case this week with my absence online. As a homeowner, my house seems to be taking my time everyday, last night was no different. As I drove home last night my son Nathan called and mentioned the lights in his bathroom would not turnoff, because the switch that controls the power under the faceplate had fallen off. This caused a detour on my way home to our twenty-four hour Wal-Mart to purchase a new switch. As I carefully removed the old switch, I always turn the power off, with limited lighting due too the hour of night I was unable to turn off the power. Once the new switch was installed I was able to take a deep breath, I had been holding my breath as I slowly moved the power lines from one to the other.

Now that I have thoroughly bored you will my simply life, allow me to share what’s happening with my debit and credit card mess at work.

After three calls to the LAPD regarding the breaking and entering of my locker at work, the officer or dispatcher I spoke with told me to file my case with the San Dimas Sheriff’s Department. When I reminded her the crime took place in Los Angeles, she said because I live in San Dimas I should file my case here in my city.

In case your not aware of this, the Sheriff’s and Los Angeles Police Department’s do not care for one another, so I was not about to visit the San Dimas Sheriff’s in this matter, knowing the sheriff would send me back to LAPD.

Tiring of running in circles over this I sent a message to Mike LaPerruque, and as I arrived at Olympic yesterday I was informed Mike was angry over the way the LAPD attempted to throw this off to another agency. Mike apparently called the right person because a young Officer Martinez arrived at our plant at 3:45 p.m. yesterday and created an incident report, and when I explained what the dispatcher told me, the officer said this was indeed an LAPD case not the San Dimas Sheriff’s case as the dispatcher had directed me.

There’s much more to this case which I cannot share at this moment, but will keep my colleagues at Olympic informed as soon as possible.

It feels so good having someone like Mike LaPerruque watching our backs at Olympic, since many of us feel we are but step-children in the Tribune Company, and will be shed as soon as possible. Thank you Mike for going the extra mile for the men and women working at Oly.

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