Thursday, September 13, 2007

For the weekend...

I could write tons about my disappointment and disgust over the way our politicians are playing and have been playing flavor of the month. I could go on about how hypocritical the democrats have been by not taking their #1 contributor the group for running a clearly slanderous campaign against a four star general who has done more for his country than they. And I could also go on about how the right keeps nipping at everyone. But instead... I'll just leave you all with this.

1 comment:

  1. Kanani,

    I've seen only a portion of this clip before, not all the different countries.

    It's truly a "feel good" video. Think I'll make a sign and go the L.A. County Fair.

    Lord knows, I could use a few hugs right now!

    Thanks for sharing.


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