Friday, September 28, 2007

Fundraiser for the National Military Family Association

Click here to be taken to the fundraiser.

The PoliStew Café slices, dices, fries and flips political grub at the right, left, center, those who care, those who don't, and those who talk but don't think. Or those who think too much, but are terminally confused. Irreverent service is guaranteed to all.

This shop has retooled after being slapped with threat of litigation from a very well known political organization, herein known as "the group that shall not be named."

THANKS to all of those who understand that the First Amendment is not to be bought and sold by the rich, and that political parody in our nation dates back to the American Revolution and King George. And now, without further ado, a take off on our previously banned shirts and mugs.

DONATIONS: Until the Petraeus shirts are taken down, all profits from these items are being donated by the shopkeeper and will go directly from Cafe Press to the NATIONAL MILITARY FAMILY ASSOCIATION, which was designated a four-star charity by Charity Navigator. You can find them at

With exception of the $15 T-shirt, all items carry a $10.01 markup that goes to the NMFA. If you would like to give more, please do so directly at their site. Tell them you heard about them from the waitress at the PoliStew Café.

The NMFA sends kids whose parents are deployed to summer camp, helps spouses and children with issues of deployment & school transitions. It helps families with money management skills, & to understand the TriCare health system. They assist families going through very stressful times.

So many have voiced support from ALL SIDES of the political spectrum in the name of fairness and to uphold free speech.

The new shirt reads:
"This T-Shirt banned by ...a left leaning political fundraising organization. We're amused that this group, which paid $$$ for ads to demean one man is threatened by a fifteen-buck t-shirt that disagrees with their tactics. Henceforth, this organization shall be referred to as "the group that shall not be named." Sincerely, The PoliStew Cafe."


  1. Were it not for free speech and freedom of the press, there'd be no newspaper jobs.
    I bought two!

  2. Kanani, thank you for helping my friend and supporting free speech.

    I'm looking at the coffee mug for myself, it's something I would use on a daily basis.

    And remember, all profits will be donated to the National Military Family Association.

  3. Ed,

    While I can't enter political discourse, I can say that I am deeply pleased of your outspoken support for NMFA. Supporting this four-star charity has been a personal passion that is shared by many members of your Los Angeles Fire Department.

    As public safety responders, we experience the challenge of being in periodic danger while away from loved ones for typically no more than one-to-three days at a time.

    How inspired we are then, by the men and women of our volunteeer Armed Forces, who face constant danger while away from their loved ones (and often young families) for months upon months on end... only to be asked to repeat such service with little palpable thanks.

    Ed, I applaud your focus on helping the families of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, as well as those serving across the globe in our Coast Guard. May their loved ones be comforted by our collective support until they can be safely reunited.

    Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,

    Brian Humphrey
    Public Service Officer
    Los Angeles Fire Department

  4. I wanted to mention that someone else left a message. When I went to moderate it and clicked "publish" the whole thing disappeared. I don't recall the name... Hussar?
    Anyway, we're very sorry this happened. Please post again!

  5. Kanani,

    The comment appears under the original post titled Move away from MoveOn.

  6. Brian,

    It's always such an honor to have you visit our humble blog, and as you can see we support our Troops and our president.

    I understand your hands are tied in what you can express, but your message comes through loud and clear.

    Let us know when we can buy you lunch, it would be such a treat and pleasure to meet you one day.

  7. Kanani,

    I ordered the oversized mug. That should hold enough java for me for one sitting!

    Thinking about the tote, as well.

  8. I've ordered one to give on as a gift to my extremist liberal father in law.

    If he flinches, I'll give him another.

  9. Be NICE, Girlfriend:-)

  10. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Great thing here!


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.