Wednesday, September 12, 2007

In A Disaster: You Need A Kit

During National Preparedness Month, the men and women of the Los Angeles Fire Department ask you to...

Keep enough supplies in your home to meet the needs of you and your family for at least three days. Build an emergency supply kit to take with you in an evacuation.

The basics to stock in your portable kit include: water, food, battery-powered radio and flashlight with extra batteries, first aid supplies, change of clothing, blanket or sleeping bag, wrench or pliers, whistle, dust mask, plastic sheeting and duct tape, trash bags, map, a manual can opener for canned food and special items for pets, infants, elderly, the sick or people with disabilities.

Keep these items in an easy to carry container such as a covered trash container, a large backpack or a duffle bag. Visit for more information about what to include in your kit.

Submitted by Brian Humphrey, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department

In A Disaster: You Need A Kit

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