Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Move Away from Move On!

By Edward

For several years I have found MoveOn.org to be an inspirational anti-war group, but the past few weeks they have been an embarrassment to all Americans with their attacks upon President Bush and General Petraeus. I subscribe to the MoveOn newsletter, and even considered hosting an anti-war rally in San Dimas, but now I want no part of this radical group and will remove my name from their newsletter subscription.

Last week a very dear friend contacted me regarding a threatened lawsuit over what MoveOn considered copyright infringement over t-shirts listed on Café Press. The four banned slogans are pictured for the first time ever, here on this blog. Why is it, MoveOn organization can dish it out to our president and general, but feels threatened by simple slogans against them?

Jon Healey, from the Los Angeles Times, wrote a nice article about my good friend on Opinion Los Angeles. I wonder if this might mean MoveOn won’t be advertising in the Los Angeles Times now?

Move On used the First Amendment when they smeared the General's name in the NY Times. However, they cite trademark infringement when it comes to anyone using theirs to criticize them on a t-shirt. It wasn't. Trademark infringement would be if the shopkeepers were selling it as "official" moveon merchandise, which it's clear by the lack of their logo and also the message that it was a protest message.

Carrie Olson, COO of MoveOn also demanded the shopkeepers personal information, which amounts to bullying and threats. Fortunately, CafePress refused to give them that information. I guess to MoveOn, the First Amendment is only for the rich.

Buy this design here at The Poli Stew Cafe, a fundraiser for the National Military Family Association, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a lawyer but I don't think they can keep you from using their name in a T-shirt (as long as you don't imply it's authorized MoveOn.org merchandise). I use their name in hostile cartoons all the time.

    MoveOn.org is also an anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic hate group, as shown by the material I extracted from their Action Forum before they took it down in disgrace. You should see their cartoon of Pope Benedict.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.