Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Novel In The Freezer ---HELP!

I'm hoping someone at the Times can help me with this... because I'm sure about two years ago I read about it, but I can't find any mention about it on google or even in your archives. I'm looking for the name of the author and also the book, which was supposed to be published within the last two years.

In the 1960's or maybe it was the 50's, there was a novelist who wrote a very good book. I think she lived in the Palisades, but I'm not sure.
She had a family, and got busy. I also think she might have suffered from depression. Anyway, she wrote another book, and given the demands of the family, stored it away until she could get back to it for the edits.

She never did.
When she died, a notice was run in the paper. Someone came... maybe it was an agent and asked her now adult children if the mother had ever written anything else. At first they couldn't think of anything, but then they remembered the manuscript in the freezer.
Seems the mother had taken the pages and wrapped them in saran wrap, the foil, and stored them in a tupperware in the deep freeze for 30 years. After the agent read them, he/ she pronounced it the finest novel ever written.

Does anyone know the name of the author? Let me know. I hope I wasn't dreaming this up.


  1. try the library of congress they may know.

  2. Try the library of congtess,they have most books ever written maybe there librarians might know.


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