Wednesday, September 26, 2007

One Killed Three Injured in Myanmar Protest

"For the last 30 years, its people have been ruled by a notoriously repressive military government, the tatmadaw."

Monks Face Off Against Junta
Read about it
here on the front page of the L.A. times.
Learn more about Myanmar (some might remember it as Burma) here on Geographia.
Bush announces new sanctions against Myanmar, as reported in the Taipei Times.
Learn about the Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 1991, Aaung San Su Kyi . Her website is here. She has been under virtual house arrest since 1990.

In The Quiet Land
(By Daw Aung San Suu Kyi)

In the Quiet Land, no one can tell
if there's someone who's listening
for secrets they can sell.
The informers are paid in the blood of the land
and no one dares speak what the tyrants won't stand.

In the quiet land of Burma,
no one laughs and no one thinks out loud.
In the quiet land of Burma,
you can hear it in the silence of the crowd

In the Quiet Land, no one can say
when the soldiers are coming
to carry them away.
The Chinese want a road; the French want the oil;
the Thais take the timber; and SLORC takes the spoils...

In the Quiet Land....
In the Quiet Land, no one can hear
what is silenced by murder
and covered up with fear.
But, despite what is forced, freedom's a sound
that liars can't fake and no shouting can drown.

From her website: 9/7/2007 "Six labor activists were given jail sentences of up to 28 years for organizing a seminar at a U.S. Embassy center earlier this year, a defense lawyer said Saturday.
All six were found guilty of bringing "hatred or contempt" to the government, lawyer Aung Thein said.
The six had planned to discuss labor rights at the U.S. Embassy's American center in the country's biggest city Rangoon, but it was canceled after a few participants were arrested."


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Sorry for the ignorance...why don't YOU report the news in the media the way it should be???

    Just wondering...great report K!!!

  2. I didn't know too much about Myanmar, so looked it all up. It kind of filled out the story, didn't it?


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