Sunday, September 23, 2007

Take Back the Times: NYT Admits It Gave Special Price

In what is one of the clearest examples of the New York Times admitting a left wing bias, members of the newspaper's staff are quoted this morning by the paper's "public editor," or ombudsman, Clark Hoyt, as confessiing that they gave the far left, antiwar group a special price for a Sept. 10 full-page ad smearing Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, as "General Betray-Us."

The ad, which ran the morning before Petraeus was to testify to Congress on the status of the U.S. effort in the Iraq war, has been roundly denounced, even by the antiwar U.S. senator John Kerry, as "over the top," and was condemned, by a vote of 72 to 25, in the whole Senate. This condemnation was supported by more than 20 Democrats. President Bush, for his part, publicly called the ad "disgusting,"

Now, it turns out, according to Hoyt's article, quoting a company spokesman, that the Times charged only $64.585 for the ad, when it should have charged it $142,063.

(Sunday, after Hoyt's article appeared, announced it would wire the difference to The Times Monday. This was seen as an attempt to reduce its embarrassment over authoring such a sleazy ad. Between the Hoyt article and the agreement to pay more, these were precedent-setting occurrences at the New York Times).

In addition, Hoyt writes, "The ad appears to fly in the face of an internal advertising acceptability manual that says, 'We do not accept opinion advertisements that are attacks of a personal nature."

Continue reading Ken Reich by clicking on link below.

NYT Admits It Gave Special Price

Statement by Eli Pariser, Political Action Executive Director, Resolving the New York Times Ad Rate Issue

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