Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Take Back the Times: NYT Internet To Be Free To Everyone

In a move toward the Internet future, the New York Times announced today that henceforth its Web site will be entirely free to all who look at it. The NYT has been making about $10 million a year from 227,000 of its readers who were willing to pay to read Times columnists.

But in a Business section story today by Richard Perez-Pena, Times spokesmen said it had been determined the Web site would be more lucrative simply by opening it to everyone for free, and selling more advertising.

This very much follows the Google and Yahoo examples. Oftentimes, subscribers get those Websearch vehicles free of charge, but Google and Yahoo earn very large amounts simply from selling ads, and that is their main revenue base.

The New York Times Web site, by far the best read of any newspaper, is already drawing 13 million hits a month, many of them references from Google, Yahoo and other Web sites through links.

Click on link below to continue reading.

NYT Internet To Be Free To Everyone

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