Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tribune Company Dependent Verification

As I quickly read through the enrolled dependents form from Mercer, I scanned what documentation was needed to prove my dependents are actually my legal dependents. In my haste I read I would need my divorce decree and custody agreement, and legal guardianship, and thought to myself, here’s another hassle.

After reading the four pages of what I needed to supply, I’m relieved all I need to send in will be a copy of my 2005 or 2006 tax returns, not a problem. But many of my colleagues are not as fortunate, and will be going through the hassle of locating the needed paperwork.

Still, I’m left wondering why the Olympic Pressroom staff was singled out when I was informed only three percent of Tribune employees have been audited? I’m not very good at math, so my figures could be completely in left field, but I’m coming up with seventy percent of the Olympic Pressroom being audited by the Tribune Company.

Why am I upset regarding this someone asked? Seems if you don’t send in the form with the proof required by certified mail by October 5th, 2007, Mercer will have your dependents taken off your health insurance, sure sounds fishy to me. I say certified mail, because some employees have had dependents removed from their health insurance when Mercer claimed the form and proof of dependents did not arrive.

And I suggest not calling Mercer, as Fred Kirby’s wife did, or you could be met with some rather unpleasant people on the other side of the phone. Mr. Kirby filed a complaint with the Los Angeles Times Human Resources, but we all know you can’t complain about the Tribune Company to the Tribune Company.

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