Thursday, October 04, 2007

Changing Light Bulbs

SO…I get up this morning at 4:15 to prepare for a day on the job. I commence to doing the S.S.S. routine and get dressed. I go to the sock drawer to grab a pair of trouser socks and continue to dress. Finish, leave and arrive at work.

When I get to my office and turn on the lights, I look down and I’m wearing navy socks with brown slacks! I mention it to my staff that I’m wearing the navy socks because the lighting in my bedroom sucks. It’s those darn energy-saving bulbs!

My announcement caused everyone else to take a look at their feet as well. Turns out, three others were wearing the wrong color socks and they all have the same bulbs as I.

This could make for a major fashion faux pas under other circumstances. I promised myself months ago that I would go back to using the old-fashioned bulbs, as this is not the first time this has happened.

Guess it’s time to make good on that promise.

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