Thursday, October 25, 2007

David Hiller and LAT Fire Fund


I first want to thank everyone involved in our extraordinary efforts to cover the fire story, and to get the news out to our friends and neighbors in a time of great need. It has been a truly heroic effort all across the company. I recounted some of these efforts on my blog this morning ( for our MAC users), including the nice things Sam Zell had to say about the paper and our website. Please feel free to post your own comments or experiences about the fire and our coverage.

We are also launching a Fire Relief Fund, in partnership with KTLA and the McCormick Tribune Foundation. All the funds raised will go to help people left homeless or needing other help after these devastating fires. McCormick Tribune will match at least the first $500,000 we raise, 50 cents on the dollar, and we will cover any administrative expenses so all the contributions get put to work. We and KTLA will start promoting the Relief Fund tomorrow. For more information on the fund, be sure to visit

Thanks again for all your efforts. It’s times like these that really remind us why we do what we do, and how much it means to our communities.


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