Saturday, October 06, 2007

Help A Robin Out!

By Aaron Proctor
In my final Goth days, during Barbecuegate and the run-off election - outside of Robin’s
Robin’s is the best restaurant in THE WORLD (this video proves it) and not just because they named a burger after me.
Robin Salzer, former District 1 Council candidate and the Burgermeister himself needs YOUR help.
From the man himself:
"Robin’s has been nominated as one of the Best BBQ restaurants in Los Angeles at You are allowed only one vote per email address. If you have some spare time could you put out a SOS to your audience of followers, friends and disciples to help the cause and vote for Robin’s at I believe that the voting ends in November though I’m not sure. Where ever we can spread the word would be great. Thanks".


  1. Robin has a vote from me! I've fallen victim to his tri-tip!!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Would love to know the location of this it north of the Mason-Dixon line???

    I am always looking for good BBQ outside of Central LA!!! or South LA etc...

    My foodie group would love to take a sojourn eastward???
    Are we barking up the right tree??

  3. It's on Rosemead Blvd in Pasadena.

    Here's a commercial I made for Robin's on YouTube:

    - AP

  4. It's on Rosemead Blvd in Pasadena.

    Here's a commercial I made for Robin's on YouTube:

    - AP


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