Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Lauren Padgett in Walk for Hope

My daughter Lauren has requested my help with her fund raiser for breast cancer, and how could I say no to her?

The City of Hope has setup a web page just for Lauren, click here if you would be interested in sponsoring this worthy cause, and helping Lauren reach her goal of $300.

The Tribune Company will match your donation if you are an employee of the company, check with your human resources office for the form.


  1. I really love seeing photos like this, Edward.
    Makes me feel good. Reminds me of what matters, what's real.

  2. I totally concur with Kanani! I also admire Lauren for her efforts and will be making a donation to help her to reach her goal.

    KUDOS, Lauren!

  3. Donation processed.

    Good luck to Lauren in her venture to make a difference!


  4. Ed! Looking good :)

    Trust me, if I had some extra cash right now, I would send it. Hope Lauren makes her goal (I'm sure she will)

    Go Lauren !!!!

  5. Thanks Kanani, Nubia, and Speedcat for the donations and encouragement.

    I have emailed the City of Hope for a hard copy of my gift, which my employer will match, making my donation go a bit further in the fight against breast cancer.

  6. First off I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone for your support and donations. This is the first time I have participated in a walk for a good cause. I'm looking foward to the actual walk on October 28. Thanks Dad for getting the word out and helping me reach my goal! Love you Dad!


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