Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Missing Man Formation

Retired pressroom shift supervisor, Bill Widner, is seeking contact information of two former colleagues, Robert Whaples, and Dick Ware. If you know the whereabouts of either of the two, please contact Bill Widner at wwidner1@gmail.com


  1. My name is Jim Kelley and I worked in the LA Times Pressroom 60-68 at which time I went to the University of Oregon for under grad and graduate degrees after which I went to an two year anesthesia residency in Iowa. I am a retired Colonel, anesthetist, and author...go to my web page
    JW Kelley.com. If you care to.. I have good memories of the Pressroom... Would love to hear from you....
    Jkcrna@ yahoo.com. I am married to a physician and live in Colorado Springs

  2. My name is Jim Kelley and I worked in the LA Times Pressroom 60-68 at which time I went to the University of Oregon for under grad and graduate degrees after which I went to an two year anesthesia residency in Iowa. I am a retired Colonel, anesthetist, and author...go to my web page
    JW Kelley.com. If you care to.. I have good memories of the Pressroom... Would love to hear from you....
    Jkcrna@ yahoo.com. I am married to a physician and live in Colorado Springs


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