Saturday, October 06, 2007

Move On's Shopkeeper Strong Arm Ignored By The Mainstream Media

BUY THEM HERE: PoliStew Café

I just noticed Tim Rutten's article on free speech, Rush Limbaugh and Move On.
But he failed to mention the debacle reported by Jon Healy and Michelle Malkin regarding Move On's strong arming of small shopkeepers at Cafe Press! I wonder why he didn't use the material from what I think is the funniest and most revealing political story in ages?


  1. I read Tim's entire article as we printed tomorrow's Calendar Section, and noted nothing said about MoveOn's attempt at halting free speech on Cafe Press.

    We really can't blame the writers, their articles go through the editors before publication.

  2. So, how does it feel to be THE person who broke the story, Ed?

  3. This is an amazing story that has so many implications. I have followed links to one article, then on to the next.


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