Sunday, October 21, 2007

NLRB Notice to Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles Times has reached a settlement regarding violations of the labor code at the newspaper, and signs in the two pressrooms have been posted for employees to better understand the charges and the settlement.

Ronnie Pineta has the full story at Save Our Trade.

Photo by Victor Banuelos



    (My comments here are expanded from those on SOT, I thought of more to say)

    My apologies Ed,for anonymous's

    For the record, those are not Ed's words, they are mine. Here are some more.

    You are completely wrong in assuming my statement is partially correct.

    You didn't say anything different than I did in my statement, you just refer to it as neverland. This is not a fantasy, the reality is many of us may not be there right now had we not won this election, and many of us believe that strongly. You can believe what you want.

    The changes that will come will be changes that we finally have an actual voice in. These will be changes that you will be asked to vote on. Now tell me, before now, when have you ever had that right?
    Yes, I said right, thats what union representation gives us.

    You may still have been willing to accept whatever the company decided to do to us, but a majority of us no longer did, and this settlement is not our first and certainly not only victory.

    Winning our organizing campaign was a major victory, not only for pressroom employees but for the labor movement in Los Angeles and California as a whole. (Go to any labor organization and ask them for yourself, you will be surprised at just how excited they are for us)

    We have recieved numerous offers of support and resources from many labor organizations since winning our election and all we have to do is ask.

    We won our NLRB decisions at the Regional level as well as in Washington challenging our election results. Victories 2 and 3
    by my count.

    This settlement is our latest victory not because the company will resume the meal tickets, but that it 100% proves that our pressrooms are to remain unchanged until we negotiate differently, and a majority agree to ratify these negotiated changes. I'd say that would qualify as victory number four.

    Now victory number five is by far the one that should convince even you (Anonymous)!
    (I wish you guy's would have the courage to use your names by now, what are you still afraid of?)

    "You guy's are gonna lose your bust-out's if you vote for the union" How many times did you hear that one?

    In L.A. John Walker and his supervisors were creating extra cleaning duties to be performed after their runs were completed taking away their bust-outs.
    The NLRB apparently agreed that this was a violation of our rights under section 7 of the NLRA (National Labor Relations Act) and was preparing to charge the company with these violations, thus the company offered this settlement to the NLRB, and we did not object because it resolves our complaints.

    If you are not allowed to leave early after completing your runs and cleanup, then the company is violating their agreement with the NLRB and we need to report it immediately by using the Incident reports we provided to everyone.

    On November 1st our elected negotiation committee will meet with management to present our contract proposals. This is our greatest victory by far....but even after all I've written here, you (anonymous) will remain negative and skeptical. End of lesson, get informed, get involved.

  2. Thanks for the correction Ronnie, I guess our blogs look so similar users can not tell one blog from the other?

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    To Ronnie...

    maybe Ed has a case of "old timers"????

    Shhhh....don't tell him!!!


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.