Tuesday, October 09, 2007

San Gabriel Valley Tribune to Cease Operation Nov. 5TH

From: Larry Kline
Date: October 4, 2007
Re: Press Consolidation

"I know you join me in offering my sincere appreciation to the production employees who will be leaving our company. We will work with each to provide support in the transition to new employment."

  • San Gabriel Valley Newspapers will be printed at the Daily News production faciltiy in Valencia beginning Monday, Nov. 5, 2007
  • Decision was made to increase color positions for news and advertising.
  • No numbers for layoffs given just a lot of management success-speak.

Another insider from the newspaper said.

"Hi Edward! Yes, we had a brief on the business page Saturday (though I can't find it online) saying all three SGVN papers -- Star-News, Tribune and Whittier Daily News -- will be printed in Valencia at the LADN facility beginning Nov. 5. Publisher says it will more than double color capability for both news side and ad side and that it didn't make sense to buy new presses to do that when LADN already has press capacity. I remember at the old Star-News when in order to get rid of the ancient black and white presses that were in the basement we gave them away to a paper in the Philippines if it could just dig them out of the hole ... and it did!"

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