Saturday, October 27, 2007

Save Our Trade: Local 404 Meeting November 4th

By Ronnie Pineta

Local 404 President Doug Brown asked me to invite our members to attend their Annual General Meeting on Sunday November 4th at 10:00 AM.

There are quite a few of us who are card carrying members of Local 404, so President Brown would especially like for you to make every effort possible to attend.

GCC/IBT President Tedeschi and GCC/IBT Organizer Marty Keegan will also be in attendance at this meeting so if you may not be planning on attending our meeting on Monday November 5th in Fountain Valley, you might consider joining us a day earlier in Monrovia.

Local 404 is located at 518 west Duarte Rd. Monrovia, Ca.91016 Just south of the 210 fwy at the Myrtle exit, west of Myrtle on the left immediately after Mayflower Ave.

Everyone is welcome to come and witness the processes that take place in these type of meetings and get a look at our future, because we will also have meetings like this one.

See you there!

Save Our Trade: Local 404 Meeting November 4th

Editors message:
GCC/IBT President Tedeschi urges all Los Angeles Times departments to attend either the Nov. 4th or 5th meetings, since so many have shown an interest in becoming part of the union movement at the newspaper. Union Organizer Marty Keegan will also be in attendance to answer your questions and supply authorization cards for your colleagues.


  1. Mr.Tedeshi I do not know of any person in any other departments that are intersted in your union. Nice try, be a little more honest next time. If they are as intersted as you claim you should have a big turn out. Let us all know how many sheep showed up for the free pizza and beer


  2. Mr.OC,

    I believe those are Ed's word's, not President Tedeschi's, so if you would please refrain from implying that our President is being dishonest.

    Ed is correct in stating that there is an increasing amount of interest from individuals in departments other than the pressroom. (which I understand you are).

    I was originally in the Mailroom for eighteen years, so I know first hand of everything lost there. That is why I transfered to the pressroom and became a Tradesman. That is what we fight to protect, our "Trade" and everyone else can, and should do the same, while respecting those who chose not to, just as you should repect those of us who do.

    If anyone would know about the amount of interest being expressed by others, it would be me. I have personally spoken to many people about organizing their respective departments.

    Sheep is a bit insulting don't you think? That is how you refer to people who are determined to protect their family's future.
    Even sheep will fight when threatened.

    Instead of "letting you know how many people show up" I am personally inviting you to join us so you can form an opinion about OUR union based on facts and your own personal observations,not the mis-information you have been force fed over the last couple of decades by management.

    We chose not to believe them any longer and are now on the cusp of negeotiations. You may or not be aware of the fact that we won a settlement that the company offered to the NLRB for discontinuing the meal ticket incentive and for extending the working conditions in our L.A. shop.

    When have you ever witnessed the company backpeddling on anything? When have they ever given anything back that was taken from you?

    This literally proves what we have been saying for years, a collective bargaining agreement is the only way to protect your wages benefits and working conditions, and without it, you are defenseless to protect your interests at work.

    At the end of the run, we clean up and go home, just as we always have. Management's message to everyone was, "if you vote in the union, you'll lose your bustouts.
    Well, this settlement also mirrors exactly what we have been saying, you can only lose what you agree to give up in negotiations.

    Are you aware that at Chicago Tribune their "at will" employees who previously worked 35 hours a week are now having to work 40 hours a week at no additional pay.
    Can they do that to your department? Yes, why, because you have nothing in writing saying different.

    Plain and simple Mr. OC, we want it in writing. You've signed contracts I'm sure, why would you continue to think that a contract outlining your conditions of employment is a bad thing?

    I certainly hope you accept my invitation, you've sat in plenty of the company's meetings, so do yourself a favor and listen to both sides and then form an opinion.

    One last thing, the union does not buy alcohol for the members at any of our meetings, but if you decide to show up, I'll buy you a beer personally.


  3. What's up Sluggo? I forgot you took that picture with George when he was here earlier this year.

    I'm beginning to believe you are quickly becoming the most photographed man on earth.

    Out of curiosity, who would be the one person you would like to be photographed with if you had the one shot?

    I'll bet a paycheck that when we finally catch Osama Bin Laden, you'll somehow be in that photo too!

    Hey, I thought of a new name......
    "shutterbug Doug"

    Adio's Cuz!

  4. Dear Mr. OC, I would like to thank you for pointing out my error in clarifying whom wrote what regarding the post in question. I have inserted editors message above the remarks, next to the picture of the GCC/IBT President Tedeschi, and yours truly for clarity. I realize you did not say this, but I may have been misleading.

    Many of our colleagues will not say, pro or con, how they feel regarding unionism at the newspaper for fear their words will end up in management’s hands. It’s unfortunate we cannot trust our co-workers, but that’s how it is within the paper walls of the Los Angeles Times.

    You need to ask yourself why you have not heard any talk of unionism at your plant? Do you wear pro union buttons and shirts, or anti-union buttons and shirts? Your colleagues know you best, hence the lack of union talk in your presence.

  5. Hey Bro,

    I’m looking for the opportunity to have my picture taken with Sam Zell, if you spot him anywhere near Oly, let me know.

    After listening to the panel at the Festival of Books on the future of the media, with the editor of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, James O’Shea, I waited patiently for his exit with my camera in the ready position. But James was apparently in a hurry, and departed out a back door, never to be seen again that day.

    Would you do me a favor Ronnie? I need photographs of the men and women from Orange County, for the blog. One of my goals here is to promote the men and women of Operations, since fails to do so. If anyone would like to entertain debating this issue with me, why were John Garay and Mark Crawford not pictured online during the last buyout in June of this year, as were the other employees at the square?

    Peace Brother Ronnie

  6. "This literally proves what we have been saying for years, a collective bargaining agreement is the only way to protect your wages benefits and working conditions, and without it, you are defenseless to protect your interests at work."


    But how does that protect your job?

  7. After all that I wrote, that is all you respond with? You really need to plan on coming to the meeting. We will answer that question for you there.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.