Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Something to think about

Just so you know, Ed, Nubia & I are still supporting the fundraiser to send military kids to summer camp. Today we learned that among the many who have been evacuated are many military families down around the Navy Base around Coronado.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this earlier and encourage ALL bloggers to post this on their respective pages. One can't help but be inclined to do something...contribute to our troops in one way or another.

    As for myself, I'm on a Human Relations Committee. Twice a year we collect goods and goodies, package them and ship them to our (well-deserving) troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.

    As a reward, the committee receive letters of thanks, noting how appreciative the troops are AND how proud they are to be able to fight for the good of their country.

    As I prepare for my Annual Holiday Cocktail Party, I will be requesting my guests to bring an unwrapped toy, which will be donated to the children of our troops.

    I encourage you to do the same.



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