Friday, October 12, 2007

Take Back the Times: Smoking Surcharge Is New Low For Tribune Co.

By Ken Reich

In the entire inept and squalid record of CEO Dennis FitzSimons and his lackey, xxxxx xxxxxx, at the Tribune Co., there is no greater low than was reached this week with the announcement that beginning New Year's, the company will charge Tribune-employed smokers and their family members who smoke a $100-a-month surcharge on their health insurance.

I do not smoke, but this sad innovation can only be viewed as the beginning of a new effort by this stinking corporation to impose ever more onerous and unacceptable conditions on its unhappy employees, so unfortunate as to fall into the grip of men who make the old corporate robber barons seem almost generous in comparison.

This, clearly, is only the first such step. Pretty soon, if its gets away with it (and there are already grievances pending), Tribune will be imposing surcharges for drinking, for obesity, for having had cancer, and a whole host of other conditions which will eviscerate the whole traditional meaning of health insurance.

Click on link below to hyper-jump to complete article.

Smoking Surcharge Is New Low For Tribune Co.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's the charge the insurance company gives you, if you're a private buyer of insurance and smoke.

    Yes, as you get older your premiums go up.

    I pay $500 a month for 4 people. This is for MAJOR HOSPITALIZATION only. In other words, I pay for all non-hospital related expenses, such as doctor visits, tests, & MRI's, ultrasounds, x-rays ordered by him.

    So far, I paid out $1200 cash for an ultrasound. Another $60. for a mammogram. Blood work runs around $188.

    Expensive? Yes. But at least I know, beyond the $1000 upfront payment in the hospital, everything else will be covered if I ever have to go.

    I make the payment each month. I guess this is why I have not so much other things as well.


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