Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wild Dogs Run in Packs

A pet agency with an Iron Hand has littered the news lately. Ellen DeGeneres adopted a dog, then gave it to the family of her hairdresser. No big deal, unless a contract says you cannot do this. Read all contracts! Also take note of Ellen's hair, could this woman really care for a dog??
Marina Baktis, (rhymes with Bat Kiss) the owner of "Mutts and Moms", explained that her policy is "A new house must fill out an application online." Well, long story short, authorities came to recover "Iggy the Dog", from Ms. Hairdresser. Here is a picture of Bat Kiss holding the dog in question, and demanding a can of Chuckwagon for the ride back to doggy jail.

While I did not personally sign any contracts to get our dog "Wrinkleskins" from the seller, I am sure there may be some unspoken guidelines. For instance, this week Mrs. Speedcat and I went to the Halloween Pet Show at the community center back in Hollydale MN. Wrinkleskins` costume was probably NOT very comfortable, and as you can see, she is in the front seat behind the steering wheel without a seat belt. I'll have to be careful not to let anyone see this! They might send PETA or the Humane society to take her away from our home.

. . . . . . . Basketball Neck Wrinkleskins
I wrote all of this to convey the way in which news is blown out of proportion. We have issues with children in homes where neglect is common, a major health care problem in the US, and issues of free speech being squelched. Let the dog be....


  1. ...these are all fictitious accounts, and I claim "no fault" dog ownership.


  2. You're right, the Ellen dog story has taken up way too much space, much like the Britney escapades! However, I adopted my German Shepherd, Max, from German Shepherd Rescue and they were very careful to point out that if I couldn't keep Max, I should notify them so they could find another home for him.

    To me the sensible solution would have been to allow the new family to fill out an adoption application and waive the rule about families with children under 14, since the dog was already living with them and bonded to them. Of course, that wouldn't have generated headlines but it would have been in the best interest of everyone, including the dog.

    By the way, welcome to the blog!


  3. Watching the news clip of Ellen "losing it" on her show I'd say she's off her meds. Or perhaps she needs to bump them up a bit. Seriously, she needs to get a grip. When I saw the clip I thought she was going to say they euthanized the dog...when she said they just took it away, it was almost laughable. I know, I'm mean. But seriously, get over it.

  4. Jade: You are so right, and I find it interesting that you were told in a specific manner that a notification should be made if things did not work out.
    Don't get me wrong, I am an animal lover, and never want to see harm come to any pet.
    Thanks, and I will be looking for your posts. Just a little short on time this week :-)

    Drowsey: I think that as Jade said, this could have been handled a little different. As usual, I love your candor. I think this is why I enjoy your own blog so much. I never wonder about your opinion! I am not quite as bold.
    Thanks for stopping!!


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