Thursday, November 15, 2007

David Hiller Blogs on Times Building Sale

Edward with Los Angeles Times publisher David Hiller

Luckily someone leaked David Hiller’s blog entry regarding the story about the Tribune Company selling the Times building to Kevin Roderick, otherwise I would have never knew the Chandler Trusts actually owns the building. I would visit the internal David Hiller blog if I had the time, but I have not had time for a lunch break the last two days.

Here I am with my favorite Blogger, Kevin Roderick of LAObserved fame. Many of us at the Los Angeles Times are greatful to Kevin, for the information he shares regarding the company we are employed by.

From David Hiller's Blog via LAObserved:

Home Sweet Home
Some local site posted a rumor that the Los Angeles Times building might be for sale (no link since the rumor is bogus).

For the record, our plan is to continue to occupy and operate out of our building here at the Square. As I understand the history, the Times has considered moving to other locations from time to time in the past. We've reviewed all sorts of options over the last year, and again recently with Sam Zell's real estate people, and we've stayed with the conclusion that the best course is to remain here. Anyway, after a year here I am just now finding my way around the building and seems a shame to waste that knowledge.
Incidentally, we don't own our building at the present time. It's owned by one of the Chandler Family Trusts and we lease it from them. We have an option to buy the building early next year, which it is likely we will do.

This story has done a complete turnaround from last night, and instead of the Tribune Company selling the Times property, they may be buying the property next year. And in closing, I hope David Hiller will consider allowing access to his blog from our homes sometime in the future, just make it a private blog that only Tribune Employees can access.

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