Saturday, November 03, 2007

Los Angeles Times Axed Employee Recognition Dinner

October 31, 2007

Dear Edward:

As one of a handful of individuals who were eligible for service awards in 2007, I would like to inform you that your years of commitment to the Los Angeles Times will now be incorporated into the departmental activities of Employee Recognition Week occurring in February 2008. A separate Service Recognition Dinner will not be held. More information regarding the schedule for Employee Recognition Week will be provided at a later date.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at (213) 237-3223.

Again, thank you and congratulations.


Marcello Sawyer
Employee Services Specialist


  1. Mr.Sawyer what exactly is an employee specialist? It sounds as though your job specialty is this sort of nonsense. Without ranting for which I am accused of I must ask you a few questions, have you worked :
    1. Christmas & Christmas eve
    2. Thanksgiving
    3. New Years Eve. & Day
    4. Fourth of July
    5. Memorial Day
    6. Labor Day
    7. Easter

    On these days we work every possible hour imaginable, away from our familys. How many times were you at work when your children were anxious for you to get home Christmas day ? How many Thanksgivings did you spend alone at work having Thanksgiving by yourself?

    Let me tell you something MOST ALL IN OPERATIONS HAVE MANY MANY TIMES.!!

    You have a happy family when you do the right thing. The same thing applys at work.


  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Marcello wrote...

    Dear Edward:

    As one of a handful of individuals who were eligible for service awards in 2007...

    Handful? After a certain number of service years, employees have been recognized every 5-year period. Since operation folks have been around forever, I suspect there are more than a handful.

    If recognition comes every five years (and everyone's anniversary must fall into one of them) 20% of your workforce would be recognized each and every year. If operations has 400 eligible, full-time employees, that would be 40 celebrants. Sounds like it may be a very big handful.

    I think Employee Recognition Week will actually be very nice. Hiller wanted more individual and group employee recognition and I don't think anyone will be disappointed. It may be different, but it is only a change, not a take-away.

    On the other hand, someone needs to coach Marcello Sawyer on effective writing. His (her?) opening sentence could easily be interpreted as a trivialization of the contributions of many proud employees.

  3. I left Mr. Sawyer an earful on his audix today and I urge everyone else to do the same. Maybe we can get this decision reversed. I find it hard to believe that the great and powerful Times can't find the money for some kind of dinner for their long-time employees, even going to Chili's would be nice.
    Call Marcello Sawyer at 213-237-3223 and let him know what you think of this.

  4. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Take a deep breath and relax. I think you're going to appreciate the new festivities. The sterile tone of Mr. Sawyer’s letter is giving recipients the wrong impression.


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