Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Massive Layoff of Pressroom Foremen At NY Times

Through the grapevine there is a rumor circulating regarding the New York Times laying off something to the tune of 90 press room foreman. It is also rumored that the remaining foreman will have to interview to get their old jobs back, as the company is outsourcing that workforce.

I’m keeping an eye out for more info on this. More to come.

UPDATE 11-10-2007
I have contacted the NY Times and am awaiting a response. I have also sent a letter to Editor & Publisher to see if they can dig up any additional info.

UPDATE 11-12-2007
from an industry insider, “…talked to a good friend of mine who is big at the N.Y.Times. The number 90 includes pressmen too, but yes all foreman have to reapply for there jobs. The N.Y Times has an outside firm keeping an eye on the whole process. This is all due to the closing of the N.J. plant. He told me this has been going on for the last 2 weeks”

and another, “it is going to be a bloodbath there shortly. What you mention about the foremen at NYT doesn’t surprise me. When the Edison plant closes next year, a lot more than 70 to 90 guys will lose their jobs. The NYT did the “re-interview” route before with some positions but this is the first time I’ve heard that they did at the foreman level.“

SOURCE: Meta Printer

1 comment:

  1. Lou Nicosia said,

    "Here's the word on the NYT. They are closing their New Jersey plant and moving all operations to College Point in NY. They presently have 120 foreman (can you believe that?). They are reducing that number to either 50 or 70. The foremen will have to reapply for the remaining positions. They do not fall under union protection because the NLRB has different rules for managers. The union foreman can go back on the line if they choose but the compensation on the buyout for them is usually lucrative.The only thing we heard about outsourcing is we understand the Times is looking to get out of the delivery end and may look elsewhere for that."

    Thanks Lou.


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