Friday, November 16, 2007

San Francisco Peninsula Press Club: Examiner turns front page over to advertisers

The Chronicle raised eyebrows on April 18 when it began publishing ads on the front page. Now the Examiner, owned by conservative billionaire Phil Anschutz, is running full-page front page ads. The ads contain the regular "Examiner" flag at the top. But below that is a 9.75 x 10.5-inch ad. Yesterday's front page ad was for the movie "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium." The way the ad was designed, a quote from a Gene Shalit review appeared at the top in 48 point type, where a news headline would normally go. On the third page of the paper, the news begins with another Examiner flag and headlines. For what it's worth, the front page does contain the words "advertising supplement," as if people couldn't figure out that it was an ad.

Examiner turns front page over to advertisers


  1. Absolute crapola.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We have finally, sold, our Soul!


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