Saturday, November 03, 2007

Save Our Trade: Negotiations, Day 1

By Ronnie Pineta

I apologize for the suspense, I needed to share some of the day with my family and I won tickets to the NHRA Finals in Pomona today, and enjoyed a day to relax and do nothing!

O.K. As I've said before, Management visit's this site on a daily basis, with that in mind, I will reserve any information that will affect our negotiations or the process.

I can say that our committee is committed to this process in order to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement that will benefit our membership as well as the company.

An exchange of initial proposals was performed and our committee, our Teamster Representatives and as well as our Attorney are in the process of reviewing their proposals as they are obviously doing with ours. It is my understanding that management posted a notice and it stated that several items were agreed to, that is correct. Those were areas that basically are standard language in most collective bargaining agreements.

Certain discussion issues were raised at the table regarding our L.A. shop and recent decisions and changes that have resulted in unfavorable treatment of our brothers and sisters. Our disapproval of these actions were voiced and our Representative did asked that they get Walker off your A**es. It is obvious why he is doing what he is doing. I hope this company does not condone his treatment of our brothers and sisters any longer.

Obviously this will take some time so be patient, be cautious and always be conscience of your surroundings. It's open season in L.A. and there are a couple of individuals who don't hesitate to do the bidding of management and will betray a fellow pressroom employee in a heartbeat. It's no secret who they are and why they do it. What ever happen to the golden rule?

We've just begun, but as we move forward, we will find a middle ground between their proposals and ours.

We will be able to disclose a bit more information at the upcoming meetings, so do your best to attend either one, hope to see all of you then.


Negotiations, Day 1

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