Thursday, November 01, 2007

Save Our Trade: Negotiations To Begin Today for L.A. Times Pressroom Employees

By Ronnie Pineta

Today we will begin negotiations with Tribune/L.A. Times. Negotiations between the Los Angeles Times and their pressroom employees have not taken place for over 40 years. This is long over due and very vital to our survival at a time of uncertainty involving the sale to Sam Zell, The FCC and Cross ownership waivers, Retirement Plan/Benefit Changes and the overall economy.

Our Negotiation Committee will stand united to deliver a contract that will restore respect, dignity, and most importantly, provide us with a fair and safe work environment to perform our craft. We will keep you informed as the negotiations progress.

Don't forget to attend either of the two upcoming meetings in Monrovia on Sunday Nov.4th or Monday, Nov. 5th in Fountain Valley.

Negotiations To Begin Today for L.A. Times Pressroom Employees

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