Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sick Days, Use Them or Lose Them

There has been a great deal of confusion regarding unused sick days at the Los Angeles Times, and I’m certain, at all Tribune Companies. Past practice at the Times allowed employees to carry over unused sick days, with a maximum of ten sick days in the bank, anything in excess would be paid out to the employee every December. In their wisdom, the executives sitting in Tribune Towers decided paying employees for unused sick days was a waste of money and could pad their own golden parachutes, and stopped the practice. What was in question was the last day sick days could be used without losing them, which I reported as December 15th. I was in error; Tribunites can use their sick days up till December 31st, without losing them.


  1. You know Ed, I don’t understand why you and others continue to work for the LA Times if it is such a bad place to work. Why don’t you move on...... believe me there is life away from the Times!!!!

  2. Hi Old O.C., thanks for the comment.

    I’m certain many of us will be leaving next year, and hopefully with a buyout?

    Here at Olympic we have one other individual, like yourself, that agrees the executives deserve and have earned the large golden parachutes they will be receiving when the Sam Zell deal closes. Not counting the generous stock gifts they were given February 14th, 2007. The stock options I was granted in place of a raise are worthless.

    Since you’re so pleased with all the events taking place at the newspaper, tell me you plan to donate all your sick days to the company this year?

  3. “I’m certain many of us will be leaving next year, and hopefully with a buyout?”

    Don’t hold your breath I bet the days of “real” buyouts are gone for good and what you’ll get if anything is a “small” severance, even if you choose to leave voluntarily. Just maybe... a “job”, a “very good” hourly wage and a “weekly paycheck” may be the better course of action.

    As far as the rest of your post goes..... Huh????? Did I say any of that? I don’t think so, but I will say one thing, “entitlements” are a thing of the past!


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