Saturday, December 22, 2007

Disgruntled Investor from Hell

Last Thursday while entering work orders into the database at the Los Angeles Times Olympic Facility Randy Price took a call he would not soon forget, it went something like this:

Randy: Hello, Los Angeles Times Electric Department.
Caller: Is this the Los Angeles Times?
Randy: Yes it is how can I help you?
Caller: I’m a Tribune Company investor, and I want to tell you I’m very unhappy with the money you have given to the CEO.
Randy: Can I redirect your call Miss, you have the wrong number.
Randy: At this point, Randy simply allowed the caller to vent before she hung up on him, not knowing what to say.

After getting off the floor from our laughter, while Randy shared his story with a straight face, we figured she would tell her friends that she told off the Los Angeles Times. Our hats are off to Randy Price for keeping his cool during this brief barrage of verbal abuse, and allowing the caller to vent her feelings.

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