Sunday, December 30, 2007

Electronic Village: Missing: Chioma Gray

Chioma Gray is a 15-year old girl abducted from her hometown of Oxnard, CA. She is not blue-eyed and blonde ... so the mainstream media hasn't told you about her story yet. It is up to us to beat the drums on blogs like Black and Missing But Not Forgotten or Wichita NAACP to get her story out. We ask all Villagers to be vigilant in looking after their own children ... and keeping an eye out for Chioma as well.

Electronic Village: Missing: Chioma Gray


  1. I am in your town (Los Angeles) visiting with my Mom for the New Year holidays. I brought my 14-year old daughter with me. She has never been to California before so we are doing the sight-seeing stuff.

    You better believe I'm keeping a CLOSE eye on her! My eyes are peeled for young Chioma as well. I hope that she turns up alive and well.

  2. Happy New Year Villager, I hope you and the daughter have a wonderful New Years in Los Angeles.

    I have sent my cell number via a MyBlogLog message, hope we can get together.



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