Monday, December 03, 2007

Payroll's unfair policy

From John Cooper Olympic Pressman

When I first went on disability in February I was told that the first week wasn't covered by insurance so the company was going to use my five sick days, which they did. As it turned out, workman's comp. paid from day one and I didn't realize it because I don't know just how much they pay. When this came to light four months later in June, I was told that the Times was taking five days pay out of my next paycheck and giving me my sick days back. I said that they should only take out two days pay as I had used three sick days in the meantime, which were not paid as my five sick days had already been used evidently in error. I was told that they would take back all five days first and then get me paid for the three I had used. The very next paycheck was about half my normal pay as the five days pay was deducted. I mentioned that now I was still due three days sick pay and was told that it would be taken care of. I went on a three-week vacation and when I came back they still hadn't paid me in the two paychecks I received. When I brought this to the attention of the office secretary she said something about not understanding correctly and that it was too late because it could only be corrected within the same pay period. My sick days were in late May and mid June and this was August 1st. I went to human resources and they notified payroll. A week later I went back to human resources and was told they received an e-mail from the supervisor of payroll saying that it was not their policy to go back and make these changes. I asked why they could go back four months when I owed them money but they couldn't go back two months when they owed me money, especially when it was their error. I haven't heard back on that one yet. Please ALERT other employees of this unfair practice so it won't happen to them.

John Cooper

Postscript; I received the pay due to me finally on November 23rd, BUT this was ONLY done because the UNION had brought this situation to the bargaining table two times and then I talked to MR. Russ Newton about it. Russ told me the very next day that I would receive the money due me. For fellow employees who do not know Russ, he is the VICE PRESIDENT of all operations and that is how high I had to go to get this resolved as well as the UNION"S input. Again, employees watch your pay stubs carefully!

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