Sunday, December 16, 2007

Pressman Blogger Meets the Publisher

Edward the Pressman Blogger meets David the Publisher Blogger
It’s not often Operations gets a visit from the publisher of our newspaper, so when David Hiller came to our facility last Friday, many of us were abuzz by his presence. If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet David, he asked me to call him David not Mr. Hiller some time ago, he’s quick with a smile and a handshake. David is also an excellent orator, who uses words we can all understand, which makes his words extremely motivational.

I asked David if he planned on staying with the Los Angeles Times after the sale of the company is completed this week, and he said, “I certainly hope so”. Let’s hope Sam Zell keeps David at the helm of our newspaper and not bring in another new face, it’s better for the moral of the employees, and keeping David with the Times makes financial sense.

David also stated he would bring Sam Zell to the Olympic Facility to meet the Operations Employees sometime soon, I’m looking forward to meeting Sam Zell face to face instead of in the media.

Lastly, David said he was considering allowing access to his personal blog from outside the walls of The Times, which would allow many of us to read what he has to share.

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