Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Changes to Comment Practice

Just three weeks into allowing anonymous comments here, it’s beginning to take its toll, with personal attacks and mud slinging aimed at one another. Kanani and Nubia have urged me to disable anonymous comments, which I will take into consideration, but in the mean time I will give you fair warning to chill out and disagree in a civil manner with one another.

Not one comment has been censored, but this practice stops today, with Nubia and Kanani acting as moderators to all comments. Neither Kanani nor Nubia works for the newspaper, which will give them an un-biased foundation for moderating your comments.

Thank you for understanding,

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For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.