Wednesday, January 23, 2008

David Hiller Posts The World's Longest "Help Wanted" Ad

By Mayrav Saar

On his internal blog (remember that?), LAT publisher David Hiller enumerates the various qualities he's looking for in a replacement editor-in-chief. (Our favorite part: "With me, as Sam says, no surprises. We need to communicate closely. Always tell me what you think, especially if you disagree. If we always agreed, we wouldn't need both of us. Don't be public when we disagree unless we talk about it first, or unless it's your swan song." Ouch.)

Hey, we hear N. Christian Anderson is available.

We are in the thick of actively considering candidates to be our next editor. In recent days there has been considerable ink spilled over what it means for a publisher and editor to be aligned. I thought it might be useful to get some of my thoughts down in writing, and share it. Almost all of this applies to all of us in all parts of our business, so you if want, where you read "newsroom" just put in "the company."

Let me hear from you, what you think, what you would add, how you would change this for your areas. Consider this a "for discussion" document.

What we're looking for:

To learn what David Hiller is looking for in an editor, follow this link to the complete article on Fishbowl Los Angeles, or click on the title of this post to be redirected to the article.

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