Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Five Months Ago Today - Bryan Padgett R.I.P.

Five months ago today we had that terrible visit from the Los Angeles Coroner, with the news Bryan was killed in an auto accident. Feels like it was just yesterday, and also feels like it’s been many years at the same time, my daughter Lauren expresses it best for our family “I HATE IT.” Yes, Bryan’s family misses him deeply and dislikes the fact he’s no longer with us physically, yet his spirit will be with us all for the remainder of our years.

Last month I was unable to say a word regarding Bryan, and took three days off from blogging. Sometimes I can speak freely about Bryan, and other times I cannot.

Christmas was almost like a hurdle that has quickly passed, we changed our tradition of celebrating Christmas on the eve and moved it to Christmas Day, not at my home but Bryan’s sisters home Lauren. And this Friday we will start a new family tradition, celebrating Bryan’s birthday together.

This Friday at 11:00 a.m. the family will gather at Bryan’s grave to celebrate not his death, but his life. Afterwards the family will move the celebration to the ShoGun Restaurant in La Verne.


  1. It seems that the family is on its' way to handling the loss in a positive manner. I commend you all.

    Celebrating Bryan's life will prove to be a positive force in the acceptance process.

    Godspeed to you all!


  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Well, today is a very sad day for all of us. Everytime a month goes by or even day it's still hard. Bryan's birthday is Friday and it's hard to believe still even after 5 months that he is gone. We all miss Bryan so much! Life is not the same, but as a family we will stand by each others side and stay strong.Love you Bryan!

    With Much Love,
    Lauren G. Padgett

  3. That's a lovely thing to do. Accept my best wishes. Each of you has been enriched by having him in your life.

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    It's Bryan's Birthday. It doesnt feel like it. Usually on someones Birthday I try to stay up until midnight and send them a text, and if I dont make it up until then , first thing in the morning, I would call. With Bryan I knew he was up early so, as soon as I cracked my open my eyes, I would jump for my phone.

    I miss calling him and hearing his happy voice and those laughs. Its Friday, and I know we would have planned a Birthday party that had a bit of drinking involved. He would have drank one of his favorites "Jack & coke" or "Yager Bomb" or "Vodka & Energy drinks" etc. At the bowling alley he told us he wasnt going to drink beer becuase he didnt want the belly. he said " Why do you think they call it BEER belly?"
    He was an amazing brother and I miss him so much. All I can do is imagine his face & the things he would say, the memories, and how happy he is up in heaven & that We'll all be together again someday.
    Bryan showed us the true meaning of life.
    Its Precious.
    Its unpredictable.
    Family first.
    Spend lots of time together.
    And be happy!

    Happy Birthday Bryan!
    I love you!
    I love Our Family!!!


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