Monday, January 21, 2008

Jim O'Shea - David Hiller memo 01.21.08


Good morning. You’ve no doubt read or heard reports that editor Jim O’Shea will be leaving The Times.

Jim came out here a little more than a year ago at my request to help lead the newsroom through some challenging times. We have benefited much from Jim’s strong values, judgment, and directness in telling me what he thinks. We also knew the duty was temporary, as Jim managed life across two cities. After we got the Sam deal done, we focused attention on finalizing our strategies and plans for attacking the future. It is clear there’s going to be a lot of change and hard work in the months ahead, making it critical that we are in alignment for leadership, speed and growth in this new era. In that vein, we will be making several significant organizational changes in the coming days, and naming a successor to Jim will be among them.

On we go.


SOURCE: TimesLink

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