Monday, January 28, 2008

Joseph Mailander Published in The Times

The Blogging Pressman meets many different writers through the Blogosphere, at picnics, parties, and media events. As I finally found the time to read my Monday Los Angeles Times tonight, I headed to my favorite two pages of the Times, the opinion pages, and to my delight spotted a familiar name, Joseph Mailander.

When I had a photograph taken with Joseph, he suggested I not publish our picture together, because the Times would fire me. Well I’m happy to say, I did indeed publish our picture, and I’m still employed by the newspaper, for the time being.

Joseph’s article (The 'S' stands for sham) can be read online, regarding a proposed phone tax by the City of Los Angeles.

“Let there be no mistake. The political power elite of the city of Los Angeles is so anxious for you to pass Proposition S that they're willing to ride to victory on bad-faith efforts. Nearly every element of Proposition S, which is on the ballot for the Feb. 5 election, is engineered to baffle a negligent voter. And you can start with the name.”

Joseph Mailander blogs at Mayor Sam's Sister City

Great job Joseph

1 comment:

  1. Well, I didn't say that they wouldn't hire you back right away...

    Thanks for the shout out, and see you somewhere again soon!


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