Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Los Angeles Times Width Reduction on Track

The team from Goss retooling the mighty printing presses at the Los Angeles Times Olympic Production Facility is on track to have the presses ready for the forty-eight inch width newsprint. The scheduled debut of the narrower newspaper was changed, which made a lot of sense, due too all the different sizes of newsprint we currently consume. It would have been a logistic nightmare attempting to deliver the smaller width newsprint to certain presses and not others.

One can only hope the font size is not reduced any further with the size reduction, since our target readers are an older group, which has trouble reading small print.


  1. Speak for yourself ED!!!!!!

  2. Old O.C.,

    Thanks for placing a large smile upon my face, I forget at times some users sound old but are actually much younger than myself.

    The glasses I wear were once called bi-focals, today they are called blended glasses.


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