Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Tribune Employee Handbook Available

Several colleagues have complained, to me directly, that they would like to have a copy of the new Tribune Employee Handbook, but are unable to get a hard copy in their hands.

Click on the title of this post to be taken directly to the handbook, and once there, click on the icon of a printer, and 13 pages will be downloaded to your personal printer.

If this doesn’t work for you, I have a copy I will gladly duplicate for your needs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Methinks Tribune oughtve attributed their handbook to the original firm/author:

    A quick glance makes it clear this "new" handbook is all but identical to the handbook of "Local TV, LLC".

    Since Randy was CEO of LocalTV before joining Tribune, it's not like he can be accused of plagarization, just creative re-use.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.