Friday, January 11, 2008

A note on commenting

Recently, I was going through the comments that have to be moderated.

Ed & I have the option of publishing or rejecting them. For the most part, I've never rejected a single one. All of them have been published. Even when they've been dismissive of someone.
I'm uncertain as to what to do with one that has been submitted, and I'll let Ed figure it out.
But I personally don't like it when someone signs in under a fake name and makes a direct threat to another person. I know things over there are awful, but this threat was very real and has to be taken seriously.


  1. I agree, Kanani.

    Let's keep things personable. We welcome your comments, as long as they're not threatening.


  2. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Blogger Nubia said...
    "I agree, Kanani.
    Let's keep things personable. We welcome your comments, as long as they're not threatening."

    Oh please! Calling Ronnie to task for advocating employees engage in "concerted activities" is threatening? His posting defines these very concerted activities as "destructive."

    These guys need to know there are many of us that appreciate our jobs and don't want them screwing things up. And yes, we know who to keep an eye on and if they intentionally break webs or do something dumb, we'll rat them out to management.

    Get a grip. That's not a threat. That's just good advice so someone doesn't needlessly find themselves in the unemployment line.

  3. (duplicate response to multiple postings on same subject)

    Only mis-informed self-serving cowards make anonymous threats.
    It's interseting that anonymous uses the term RAT. HMMMM? Grandspud, Big Potato, Management?

    The negotiation committee is NOT in trouble! negotiations are going as expected and will continue to proceed forward. The company has stated that they are revising their proposals and we expect to begin making progress very soon.

    Let me be clear, that "Solidarity Counts" post was from a Teamster publication and it in no way calls for sabotage. I do not condone or promote sabotage and warn that anyone considering this behavior risks termination.

    Anonymous has a vivid imagination and reads alot more into the post than is actually there. It's probably dark under the desk making it difficult to read properly.

    Concerted activity can be many things. The operators collectively stood up to Walker when he crashed their operators meeting and began ranting over their performance.

    Not willing to accept his behavior and hostility, the operators in UNITY defended their position and shut him down. Walker then went apologizing to all the operators for his behavior.


    Walker must have realized that the operators control the presses and ultimately, the pressroom itself.
    All of our operators need to make the same realization.

    Anonymous is most likely management or one of their flunkys attempting to discredit the committee and its efforts to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement. We all know who they are and what their motives are.

    They are deluted in believing that they will survive without a Union.
    They are only concerned about themselves and how they can improve their position and are willing to throw everyone else to the wolves. They cannot be trusted and their message ignored.


    Why should anyone pay attention to anyones comments if they don't have the courage to disclose their identity. Union supporters don't hide their identities and don't need to because we are right, and not afraid to show it.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.