Friday, January 18, 2008

Sam Zell Communicates with Everyone

As a blogger I probably receive just a few more emails than the average user, if 100 to 150 emails per day is average? To insure I do not overlook any messages, that I consider high priority, I have created categories for emails arriving from my children, family, bloggers, and my Tribune Boss’, which allows me to view messages from each category at a glance.

Currently I have over 200 messages unopened, and the messages are not spam, that will be read and responded to as time permits.

Can you imagine my surprise when I received a message from Sam Zell a few minutes ago, WOW; I’m impressed he has the time to reply to the massive volume of email that arrives at his talktosam address daily from Tribunites like myself.

I may skip lunch this afternoon and see what’s being said on Sam’s blog, may be interesting.

Here’s my email to Sam and his response:

Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:13 PM
To: Talk to Sam
Subject: Welcome to the Los Angeles Times

Dear Sam,

Just wanted to welcome you to the Tribune Company, and I look forward to meeting you one day soon.

All Operations Employees are excited about the upcoming changes, and I hope we can also add to the value of the company with cost saving ideas.

Edward the Pressman Blogger

Sam's reply:

"Edward – Cost savings are great, if they don’t erode the quality of our products. But, revenue generation is even better. Thanks for writing. Sam"

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