Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sam Zell to Visit the Los Angeles Times

We hear Sam Zell will be paying a visit to Times Mirror Square* (formerly Tribune West) on Thursday, February 7th. The purpose of his visit to the Los Angeles Times has not been revealed, so I’m assuming he will be there to rally the men and women that create the articles for the newspaper.

Many of my colleagues in Operations have expressed a desire to meet Sam, especially after seeing him tug on his ear lobe, as pressroom personal do. I was told Sam’s schedule is filled, so if we can’t meet him next Thursday, maybe the next time he comes through.

*Times Mirror Square has not been restored yet, its still called Tribune West.


  1. O.K. Big Guy! Here's your chance.

    Just schmooze him on the blog. Get the message out that the line staff think he's the MAN and would like to meet him.

    AW, Heck, tell him that his presence in the pressroom is just what the guys/girls need to maintain their confidence in him, given the treatment (or the lack thereof) you've received from his predecessor(s).

    Nothing beats a failure but a try!

  2. One thing I've noticed...He's always smiling!

    Is it his personality or because he's rich?

    From what I've seen, I think it's just his personality. Most rich people don't know how to be rich and are miserable for the most part.


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