Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tribune Company: Health Insurance or Food

Another Retiree from the Los Angeles Times called tonight regarding his Tribune Company health insurance premiums, and I was astounded by what he shared.

Seems his Tribune medical, through Cigna has taken a steep jump to $4,400.00 per quarter, which is for coverage of his two teenagers, his wife, and himself. He stated the Tribune Company failed to reveal the costs to him or the other workers taking advantage of the company buyout.

He warns all Tribune Employees to take a hard look at any future buyouts before biting the carrot they dangle in front of you.

Editors Message:
During the purge of employees two years ago when the Chatsworth Production Facility was shuttered, I did notice the Cobra rates were included in the package sent to my home.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Last year i was paying 1200.00 per quarter for just mysele till december when i became 65. Now i am on medicare and my supplimental policy costs me just 384.00 a quarter. No telling what i would be paying if i still had tribune medical


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