Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Familiar Faces

Russ Newton, Senior vice-president of Production and Rick Terry, Operations Senior Planning Coordinator on the back cover of Newspapers & Technology.


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    What are they selling?

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I think this was a test of the encapsulated or "scented" inks. Like a scratch-n-sniff newspaper advertisement.

  3. I think this may be useful.

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    would it be to much to ask? to have russ not smile?I have 1.8 million reason to think of why he should never smile while somewhere a pressroom worker toils.
    philip chandler

  5. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hey Russ, not bad from SCAB to V.P. only in America.

  6. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I think I just called my "grandmother" a jerk.....

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    If you scratch his a** It will smell like sh**

  8. Anonymous6:03 PM

    At least Russ is working to bring new print jobs into the plants. What is Ronnie and company doing? Fighting for important things like meal tickets, bustouts and not doing work?

    You guys just don't get it. The clock is ticking and you are not willing to be part of the solution.

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Let's get this right if it looks like sh** and smells like sh** it is Sh**

  10. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Oh someone please tell me russ newton is not a SCAB I thought he was a better person than that........ not !!

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Be careful not to step in crap as it walks around you!

  12. What new print jobs Has Russ brought to the company, now or ever? What new print jobs is he currently persuing for our company?

    It is easier to reap mass savings by cuts rather than to create new revenue. This has been the practice for way too long.

    This habitual action is completely anti-employee and when Zell realizes rather than just say, when all the employees are gone there goes with them the company!

    As far as what Am I doing to bring revenue to this company? First of all that is not my job.
    I am not hurting this company by trying to protect our jobs the only way possible.

    I have moved past acceptance a long time ago and chose to do something about it.

    My job is first and foremost,to see that we continue to have the opportuniy to provide for our families by printing The Los Angeles Times and not someone else.

    I don't fight for meal tickets and bust outs or protecting slugs. I fight to stop the bleeding at our level and will continue to fight to improve our work environment and ultimately have those terms in writing.

    The leaders that be are all bred in Chicago and will not deviate from this form of cost cutting simply because that is all they know.

    We have the eyes and ears of the 1.4 million Teamsters as well as the millions of other blue collar workers across this country in numerous unions and trades.

    This demographic has been blantently ignored by this company.
    This is a demographic is one this company needs to embrace.

    There are many ways to tap into the labor community and create a symbiotic relationship which can equate into revenue and secure employment by the forms of new advertising and subscriptions.

    All we have to do is create that bridge. The company will needs to really look hard at this concept if it is serious about exploring all avenues to turn this company around.

    The Labor Community is watching and supporting our efforts to negotiate a fair collective bargaining agreement. I'm sure some of our brothers and sisters across the country might consider subscribing to our paper and advertise with us if it weren't so anti-union.

    It's time for Zell and Hiller to become Union friendly and smell the coffee!

  13. "...I fight to stop the bleeding at our level and will continue ..."
    Oh God! Someone get me a tissue.

    "...We have the eyes and ears of the 1.4 million Teamsters as well as the millions of other blue collar workers..."
    Probably watching and listening for the opportunity to snake someone out of a $36/hour job.

    "...There are many ways to tap into the labor community and create a symbiotic relationship which can equate into revenue and secure employment by the forms of new advertising..."
    Huh? Someone please help me translate this one.

    Excuse me while I go stick my head in a vise.

  14. Anonymous7:14 AM

    granpud will you send pictures of youre head in a vise; with youre signed name attached. my walls have a dearth of art presently.
    Philip chandler


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.