Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sam Zell a Hit at LAT Olympic Plant

The Sam Zell visit to the Los Angeles Times Olympic Production Facility went extremely well, though it began thirty minutes behind schedule. As Sam walked into Café Oly, he looked over at Woody Johnson and I, and tugged on his right earlobe, which had the standing room only crowd laughing out loud in delight.

Well, our Tribune Bosses apparently didn’t find the humor in Sam’s gesture, as the rank and file employees did.

In my own honest opinion, Sam enjoyed himself as much as we enjoyed having Sam at our plant.

Sam made one important change at the Los Angeles Times; starting tomorrow, the LA Times will accept advertising from gentlemen's clubs, something we have not offered in many years.

David Hiller in closing stated the new editor of our newspaper would be named next week.

Photographs and video to be posted sometime after 9:00 p.m. tonight.


  1. This is the first Town Hall meeting that I enjoyed from beginning to end. I felt it helped Moral.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time. I was going to take up your invite to attend, but ended up at LACMA's open of BCAM with another real 'original', Eli Broad. And it was great finally meeting you the other night at 7th Grand.


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