Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Save Our Trade: Negotiation Update #9#links

By Ronnie Pineda

As many of you are aware by way of Russ Newton's Updates, we were informed of the company's desire to cut 1.8 million dollars from the pressrooms budgets.

The timing of announcement is very questionable because of our current negotiations.In San Diego at the Union Tribune, management there is going forward with changes they proposed in their pressroom and mailroom without further negotiations. They intend on implementing those changes at approximately the same time The Times representatives indicated they intend on going forward with cost saving measures they have drawn up for our pressrooms. It curiously appears that our management and management in San Diego are in collusion, possibly in attempts of weaking the bargaining process in both locations.

Continue reading by following the link below.

Save Our Trade: Negotiation Update #9#links


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    how apprepo that they wouldn't release budget information?they don't want help. they want to stall the negotiations,and put the onus of their pisspoor burdens on us.of course they wouldn't release information about budgets as it would not reflect favorably on their demands.does that reflect the wasted money on overtime over the past year?we still make money. we are still profitable. their is still r.o.c. on our (company? hahaha)investment.
    but youre a pressman right russ newton you can come down here and do everyones job. you know everything,so as not to interfere with youre bloated ego,lies,and weaksuck handshakes;I probably shouldn't comment out of deferance for the stature of youre own making.
    philip chandler

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    From SAVE OUR TRADE....

    "We would love to hear any suggestions on how the company can reach the savings they seek from our department. Keep in mind, they do visit this site regularly and I'm sure they'd love to see them also."

    What!!!!!! You mean you are actually going to post a comment that you have received on this site!!!!

    I won't hold my breath!

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Boy I would hate to be his grandmother!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Philip I hope you didnt send your disgracefull message while you were on company time today ?? Or were you home already? I shook hands with Russ Newton today I thought his handshake was better than yours.

  5. Anonymous5:17 PM

    BS. Phil looks you in squarely in the eyes as he nearly takes your hand off. And, he has the balls to leave his name after his missive. More guts than I have. More guts than you have.

  6. Anonymous6:12 PM

    phillip said,

    "but youre a pressman right russ newton you can come down here and do everyones job"

    maybe not every bodys job but I bet Russ could push tubs of scarp printplates to the truck like some one you know. so when the union choose to give up which cuts do you think they will keep the cart pusher that work a couple of hrs?

  7. Anonymous8:11 PM

    That's right, Phil. If the pressmen dare to go out on strike he'll be in there operating and hiring scabs just like he did in Chicago. He thinks that LAT pressmen are overpaid, too. He stated that he thinks that pressmen should make $40K/year not $65K. Zell and Fig Newton are on a mission to replace you with cheaper labor. Zell wants you to think that he has your best interests in mind. Don't give up your union for a few pool tables.

  8. Anonymous8:17 PM


  9. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Yes Phil, I think you better watch your union buddies very carefully.
    When it comes time to make an offering, you may find yourself at the top of the list.
    After all, they did not even think you should be allowed to vote in the union election and kept you from doing so.

  10. We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice -- that is, until we stop saying "I got screwed," and start admitting "I f**ked up."

  11. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Hey Philip if the union guys Ronnie and the other negotiating guys for the union offer to boot all you utility guys to save their own butts do you still get the trust money. To bad none of you got to vote cause it look like they screw you again but keep sticking up for them guys.

  12. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Just divide 1.8 milion by the number of brothers and sisters. That should come to some thing like $5000 or $6000 each in less pay and no one gets canned maybe.

  13. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Sure, it would only cost each pressperson about $4.00 per hour in wages.

    But you should be very careful about giving up something you already have, management cannot unilaterally cut your wages, you are in negotiations. On the other hand, you can give it away, and once you have agreed to a voluntary wage cut you're fair game. What happens to you the next time the budget needs to be trimmed? You will have set a precedent, and there are no guarantees lay offs will not be necessary in the future, even if you let management take some of your pay now.

    Letting this particular genie out of the bottle would prove to be a bad decision, you'll find it's not so easy to get it back in.

  14. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Too bad the buyout does not apply to union people. I guess that is the way it works so the union will have to bargain how the cuts come. It would be too bad to see young guys layoff while old people ready to retire can not go.

  15. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Once again; The company has to negotiate any changes with the union. Remeber when they used to just take what they wanted a short time ago?

  16. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I think you are wrong. Company is just letting union give ideas on cuts but can layoff anytime. But I think the union may have some say in who goes like with seniority.

  17. Anonymous4:02 PM

    hehe, at least we have a say as to what goes on in the pressroom.youre walking papers are already signed..haven't you heard?
    youre projections of what you think will happen are sad revelations of youre powerlessness to effect anything.I know you will agree with me by remaining anonymous on ALL youre responses in the future.
    philip chandler

  18. Philip said,
    "...at least we have a say as to what goes on in the pressroom...
    ...youre (sic) powerlessness to effect (sic) anything...

    Au contraire monsieur Philipe.

    First, you didn't even have a say if there would or would not be a union. Remember, you "Bud" challenged your vote and your voice was squelched.

    Second, the only true workplace power anyone has resides in their skills. If you can do something of value, you have some power. If your skills are antiquated (putting tape on newspaper rolls, pushing carts...) you're truly powerless.

    The best situation is to develop skills valued in a number of industries. Those of us that have done so have true power. We are in control of our lives and future.

  19. We would love to hear any suggestions on how the company can reach the savings they seek from our department.

    How many jobs could you save if you cleaned your own presses?

  20. Anonymous7:18 AM

    granpud cloistering youreself in anonymity shows the depths of your fear,and since you enjoy being fully closeted.I can extend to you this:stop projecting youre own inadequacies;you can't push a cart or make a line up:noone gives a craps ass.
    en regards to the union;one vote regardless if you or youre vote was challenged, (like yourability to leave a closet)besides ronnie and I have decided to suffer mutual stockholm syndrome for eachother.careto leave ur name to youre b.s.?coward!viva viagra!whats it gonna take for you cowards to leave youre name?blah,blah,blah i'm a coward,anyone of ulittle corporate cookie cutting sackless drones want to prove me wrong?leave youre name.....
    philip chandler


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.